Privacy Policy | Custer Federal State Bank
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Privacy Policy

Privacy Notice 1 Privacy Notice Custer Federal State Bank  Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 5/13/2022

Custer Federal State Bank App– poweredbyFiserv – helpsyoucontrolyourcredit and/or debitcards through your mobile device, making iteasy to manage your finances on the go.

The App allows you to:

• get real-time balances for youraccounts
• manage your money
• view your transactions and statements
• make transfers
• pay your bills and managebillers
• deposit a check
• receive alerts
• manage cards

This Privacy Policy, incombination with other relevant privacy notices that we provide to you (e.g., pursuant to financialprivacy laws), inform youofthe policiesandpractices regarding the collection, use and disclosure of anypersonal information that we andour service providers collect from or about users inconnection with the App’s website andmobile application (the “Services”).

Through your use of the Services, we may collect personal information from you in the following ways:
(a) Personal Information You Provide toUs.
• We may collect personal information fromyou, such asyour first and lastname, address, e-mail, telephone number, andsocial security number when you create anaccount.
• We willcollectthe financialandtransaction information necessary toprovideyou with the Services, including account numbers, payment card expiration date, payment card identification, verification numbers,andtransaction andpaymenthistory.
• If you provide feedback orcontact us via email, we will collect your name and email address, as well asanyother content includedin the email, inorder to send you a reply. Privacy Notice 2
• We also collect other types of personal information that you provide voluntarily,such as any information requested by us if you contact us via email regarding support for the Services.

(b) Personal Information Collected from Third Parties. We may collect certain information from identity verification services and consumer reporting agencies, including credit bureaus, in order to provide some of our Services.

(c) Personal Information Collected Via Technology. We and our service providers may automatically loginformationaboutyou, yourcomputer or mobile device,andyour interaction overtimewith our Services,ourcommunications,andotheronlineservices,such as:
• Device data,such as yourcomputer’s or mobile device’s operating system type and version, manufacturer and model, browser type, screen resolution, RAM anddisk size, CPU usage, device type(e.g., phone, tablet), IPaddress, uniqueidentifiers, language settings, mobile device carrier, radio/network information (e.g., Wi-Fi, LTE, 3G), and general location information suchascity,stateorgeographicarea.
• Online activity data,such aspages orscreens you viewed, how long you spent on apage orscreen,thewebsiteyouvisited beforebrowsingtotheService,navigation paths between pages orscreens, information aboutyour activity onapage or screen, access times, and duration ofaccess.
• Cookies, whicharetextfilesthatwebsitesstoreonavisitor’sdevicetouniquelyidentify thevisitor’sbrowserortostoreinformation orsettingsin thebrowserforthepurposeof helping you navigate between pages efficiently, remembering your preferences, enabling functionality,and helpingusunderstanduseractivityandpatterns.
• Local storage technologies, like HTML5 and Flash, that provide cookie-equivalent functionality butcan store larger amounts ofdata,includingon yourdevice outside of yourbrowser in connection with specificapplications.
• Web beacons,alsoknownaspixeltagsorclearGIFs, whichareused todemonstrate thata webpage oremail wasaccessed oropened, orthatcertain content was viewed or clicked.
• Location Information. Ifyou have enabledlocation services on yourphone andagree to the collection of your location when prompted by the Services, we will collect location data when you use the Services even when the appis closed or not in use; for example, to provide our fraud detection services. If you do not want usto collect this information, you may decline thecollection of your location when prompted oradjust the location services settings on yourdevice. Privacy Notice

(a) General Use. Ingeneral, we use your personal information collected through your use of the Servicestorespond toyourrequestsassubmittedthroughtheServices,toprovideyouthe Servicesyou request,andtohelp serveyou better.Weuseyourpersonal information,in connection with the App, in the followingways:
• facilitatethecreation of,and secureandmaintainyouraccount
• identify you as a legitimate user in oursystem
• provide improved administration of theServices • provide the Services you request
• improvethequalityofexperiencewhen youinteractwith theServices
• send youadministrative e-mail notifications, such assecurity orsupport andmaintenance advisories;andsendsurveys,offers,andotherpromotionalmaterialsrelated tothe Services.

(b) Complianceand protection.Wemay useyourpersonal informationto:
• comply with applicablelaws, lawful requests, andlegal process, such asto respond to subpoenas or requests from governmentauthorities
• protect our, youror others’ rights, privacy, safety, or property (including bymaking and defending legal claims)
• audit our internal processes for compliance with legal and contractual requirements and internal policies
• enforce theterms and conditionsthatgovern theService;and
• prevent, identify, investigate / deter fraudulent, harmful, unauthorized, unethical, or illegal activity, including cyberattacks and identitytheft.

(c) Creation of Non-Identifiable Data. The App may create de-identified information records from personalinformationbyexcludingcertaininformation(suchasyourname)thatmakesthe information personally identifiable to you. We may use this information in aform that does not personally identify you to analyzerequest patterns andusage patterns toenhance ourproducts and services.Wereservetherighttouseanddisclosenon-identifiableinformationtothird parties in our discretion. Privacy Notice


We disclose your personal information collected through your use of the Services asdescribed below.
(a) In Accordance with Our Other Privacy Notices. Other than asdescribed in this Privacy Policy in connection with the App, this Privacy Policy does not apply to the processing of your information by usor third partieswith whomwe shareinformation.

(b) Third PartyServiceProviders.Wemayshareyourpersonalinformationwiththirdpartyor affiliated service providers that perform services for or on behalf of us inproviding the App, for thepurposesdescribedinthisPrivacyPolicy,including:toprovideyouwiththeServices;to conductqualityassurancetesting;tofacilitatethecreationofaccounts;tooptimizethe performance ofthe Services; toprovide technical support; and/or to provide other services to the App.

(c) AuthoritiesandOthers.Regardlessofanychoicesyoumakeregardingyourpersonal information, The App may disclose yourpersonal information tolawenforcement, government authorities, andprivate parties, for the compliance andprotection services described above.

The App may contain links to third party websites. When you click on a link to any other website or location, you will leavethe Appandgo to another site andanother entitymay collect personaland/oranonymousinformationfromyou. TheApp’sprovisionofalinktoanyother website or location isfor yourconvenience anddoes not signify our endorsement of such other websiteorlocationoritscontents.Wehavenocontrolover,donotreview,andcannotbe responsiblefor,theseoutsidewebsitesortheircontent.Pleasebeawarethatthetermsofthis Privacy Policy donot apply to these outside websites. We encourage you to read the privacy policy of every website you visit.

You have several choices regarding use of information on the Services.
(a) How WeRespond toDoNot Track Signals. Somewebbrowserstransmit “donottrack” signals to the websites and other online services with which your web browser communicates. Thereiscurrentlynostandardthatgovernswhat, ifanything,websitesshoulddowhenthey receivethesesignals.We currently do not actin response to these signals. Ifandwhen a standard isestablished, wemay reviseitspolicy on respondingtothesesignals.

(b) Access, Update, or Correct Your Information. You can access, update, or correct your information by changing preferences in your account. For additional requests, please contact us.

(c) Opting Out of Email or SMS Communications. If you have signed-up to receive our email marketing communications, youcan unsubscribe any time byclicking the"unsubscribe" link included at the bottom of the email or other electronic communication. Alternatively, youcan optout ofreceiving marketing communications bycontacting usatthecontact information Privacy Notice 5 under "Contact Us" below. If you provide your phone number through the Services, we may send you notificationsby SMS,suchasprovidea fraud alert.You mayoptoutofSMS communicationsby unlinkingyourmobilephonenumberthrough theServices.

(d) Opting Out of Location Tracking. If you initiallyconsented to the collection ofgeo-location information through the Services, you can subsequently stop the collection of thisinformation atany time bychanging the preferences on your mobile device. Please note, however, thatif you withdraw consent to ourcollection oflocation information, you may nolonger be ableto use some features of the App.

We implement reasonable administrative, technical, andphysical measures inaneffort to safeguard the information inour custody andcontrol against theft, loss andunauthorized access, use, modification, and disclosure. Nevertheless, transmission viathe internet isnot completely secureand wecannotguaranteethesecurityofyourinformation.

The Services are not directed towards individualsunder the age of 18, and we donot, through the App, intentionally gather personal information about visitors who are underthe age of 18. If a child under18submitspersonalinformationtousthroughtheAppand welearnthatthe personal informationistheinformation ofa child under18, wewillattempttodeletethe information as soon aspossible.

This Privacy Policy issubject to occasional revision. We will notify you of anymaterial changes in itscollection,use,ordisclosureofyourpersonal informationbypostinganoticeonthe Services. Any material changes to this Privacy Policy will be effective thirty (30) calendar days following notice of the changes on the Services. These changes will beeffective immediately for new usersoftheServices. Ifyou objecttoany suchchanges, youmust notifyuspriorto theeffective dateofsuch changes that you wish todeactivate youraccount. Continued use of the Services following notice of any such changes shall indicate your acknowledgement of such changes.

Ifyou haveanyquestionsorcomplaintsabout this Privacy Policy orThe App’sdatacollection or processingpractices, orifyou wantto reportany security violationsto The App,please contact TheAppbyemailat [email protected] or by mail at: Custer Federal 341 S. 10th Street Broken Bow, NE 68822






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